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More info you might find interesting:nnTax Rates2013 Tax Rates nn2013 Tax Rates - Single Taxpayers - Standard Deduction $6,100n nn10%n 0 to $8,925 nn15%n n$8,925 to $36,250n nn25%n n$35,250 to $87,850n nn28%n n$87,850 to $183,250n nn33%n n$183,250 to $398,350n nn35%n n$398,350 to $400,000n nn39.6%n nOver $400,000n nn2013 Tax Rates - Married Jointly & Surviving Spouses - Standard Deduction $12,200n nn10%n n0 to $17,850n nn15%n n$17,850 to $72,500n nn25%n n$72,500 to $146,400n nn28%n n$146,400 to $223,050n nn33%n n$223,050 to $398,350n nn35%n n$398,350 to $450,000n nn39.6%n nOver $450,000n nn2013 Tax Rates - Married Filing Separately - Standard Deduction $6,100n nn10%n n0 to $8,925n nn15%n n$8,925 to $36,250n nn25%n n$36,250 to $73,200n nn28%n n$73,200 to $111,525n nn33%n n$111,525 to $199,175n nn35%n n$199,175 to $225,000n nn39.6%n nOver $225,000n nn2013 Tax Rates - Head of Household - Standard Deduction $8,950n nn10%n n0 to $12,750n nn15%n n$12,750 to $48,600n nn25%n n$48,600 to $125,450n nn28%n n$125,450 to $203,150n nn33%n n$203,150 to $398,350n nn35%n n$398,350 to $425,000n nn39.6%n nOver $425,000n nn2013 Tax Rates - Estates & Trustsn nn15%n n0 to $2,450n nn25%n n$2,450 to $5,700n nn28%n n$5,700 to $8,750n nn33%n n$8,750 to $11,950n nn39.6%n nOver $11,950n n nnSocial Security n n2013 Tax Ratesn nnSocial Security Tax Rate: Employersn n6.2%n nnSocial Security Tax Rate: Employeesn n6.2%n nnSocial Security Tax Rate: Self-Employedn n12.4%n nnMaximum Taxable Earningsn n$113,700n nnMedicare Base Salaryn nUnlimitedn nnMedicare Tax Raten n1.45%n nnAdditional Medicare Tax for income above $200,000 (single filers) or $250,000 (joint filers)n n0.9%n nnMedicare Tax on net investment income ($200,000 single filers, $250,000 joint filers)n n3.8%n n nnMiscellaneous n n2013 Tax Ratesn nPersonal Exemption $3,900 nnBusiness expensing limit: Cap on equipment purchasesn n$2,000,000n nnBusiness expensing limit: New and Used Equipment and Softwaren n$500,000n nnPrior-year safe harbor for estimated taxes of higher-incomen n110% of your 2013 tax liabilityn nnStandard mileage rate for business drivingn n56.5 centsn nStandard mileage rate for medical/moving driving 24 cents nStandard mileage rate for charitable driving 14 cents nnChild Tax Creditn n$1,000n nnUnearned income maximum for children under 19 before kiddie tax appliesn n$1,000n nnMaximum capital gains tax rate for taxpayers in the 10% or 15% bracketn n0%n nnMaximum capital gains tax rate for taxpayers above the 15% bracket but below the 39.6% bracketn n15%n nnMaximum capital gains tax rate for taxpayers in the 39.6% bracketn n20%n nCapital gains tax rate for unrecaptured Sec. 1250 gains 25% nCapital gains tax rate on collectibles 28% nMaximum contribution for Traditional/Roth IRA $5,500 if under age 50n $6,500 if 50 or older nnMaximum employee contribution to SIMPLE IRAn n$12,000 if under age 50n$14,500 if 50 or oldern nMaximum Contribution to SEP IRA 25% of eligible compensationn up to $51,000 nn401(k) maximum employee contribution limitn n$17,500 if under age 50n$23,000 if 50 or oldern nEstate tax exemption $5,250,000 nnAnnual Exclusion for Giftsn n$14,000n n nnEducation n n2013 Tax Ratesn nnAmerican Opportunity Credit (Hope)n n$2,500n nnLifetime Learning Creditn n$2,000n nnStudent Loan Interest Deductionn n$2,500n nnCoverdell Education Savings Contributionn n$2,000n nGood luck or call us and we will help you!