Best Court Reporters in Metairie, LA

The highest-rated Court Reporting & Legal Videography companies out of 142 vetted & reviewed in the Metairie area.

We are still growing

There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes Metairie and several other cities.
Lafayette Process Servers

Lafayette Process Servers

  • Company
  • Future
“I was very pleased with the outcome and will definitely give future business to this company.”
In Business Since 2020
Emergency Services
1 Galleria Blvd, Metairie, LA
Curren & Landrieu

Curren & Landrieu

“We are committed to providing our clients with service of the highest quality using the best technology available. We employ the services of Board Certified machine writers who make use of state-of-the-art, computer-aided transcription and deposition...”
In Business Since 2003
749 Aurora Ave #4, Metairie, LA
Mc Kenzie & Associates

Mc Kenzie & Associates

In Business Since 2005
Gelpi Building, 2817 Harvard Ave, Metairie, LA
Vincent P Borrello Jr & Associates

Vincent P Borrello Jr & Associates

“Vincent P. Borrello, Jr. & Associates, Inc. provides global service to the legal community. Our team of Board Certified Freelance and Official Court Reporters will meet all your needs, from standard court reporting, to realtime services, or to daily ...”
In Business Since 2011
3525 N Causeway Blvd Suite 710, Metairie, LA
Associated Reporters

Associated Reporters

Nationwide Scheduling, Court Reporting, Legal Video
“This is a great court reporting outfit.”
In Business Since 2003
201 St Charles Ave #2415, New Orleans, LA
Brooks Court Reporting

Brooks Court Reporting

“I will continue to use Brooks in the future for ALL depositions, unless they are already committed to a date I select!”
In Business Since 1965
201 St Charles Ave suite 2500, New Orleans, LA
Professional Shorthand Reporters

Professional Shorthand Reporters

“PSR is not only a court reporting firm, but a highly innovative company owned and operated by court reporters with a proven record of professionalism, dependability and quality product. By using the most up-to-date and technologically advanced comput...”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 1995
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
601 Poydras St Suite 1615, New Orleans, LA
Louisiana Court Reporters

Louisiana Court Reporters

“Array's expert court reporting services team stands ready to manage the logistics of your depositions, arbitrations, hearings, and trials wherever and however they are conducted. Our team includes court reporting industry veterans with decades of exp...”
In Business Since 2020
650 Poydras St, New Orleans, LA
Alliance Court Reporters

Alliance Court Reporters

“Alliance strives to deliver quality court reporting services by keeping up with the latest technology and statutes pertaining to court reporters.We deliver the personal service you expect when scheduling your depositions, arbitrations, hearings, meet...”
In Business Since 2001
Accepts Check, All Major Credit Cards
4919 Canal St Suite 303, New Orleans, LA

In Business Since 1996
1618 Kerlerec St, New Orleans, LA

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