Best Criminal Defense Lawyers in Suffolk, VA
The highest-rated State and Federal Criminal Defense Law companies out of 134 vetted & reviewed in the Suffolk area.
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Bankruptcy Law, Domestic Violence Law, Family Law
“He advised me to take an 8 hour driver improvement course, 4 hour RADEP course, and to complete 1 hour of community service for every mph I was going over the speed limit.”
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Bush & Taylor
- Custody
- Matter
- Courtroom
“I know it is a very difficult time for any one going through divorce, Justin is phenomenal in keeping composure and to the point, very nice to speak to and always available in case of any questions.”
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Ferguson E Grier
“• "Best In the Area" - Nicholas Cole • "Fantastic Attorneys!" - Bill Simmons • "Thank you, it has been a pleasure working with your firm!" - J.A. • "Your kindness, knowledge and experience are greatly appreciated. Thank you and your team for everythi...”
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The Collins Law Firm
Family Law, Traffic Violations, Estate Planning
“He was early to court to make sure he answered every question I had and also stayed after court for 2 hours to help me filed court orders from my home state Florida to get my daughter back from my ex wife!”
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Randall & Bruch
Criminal Appeals, White Collar Crimes, Protective Orders
“I wasn't speeding, but he pulled me over for failure to yield or slow down to an emergency vehicle, which is a reckless driving charge in Virginia and personal court appearance.”
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Hobbs & Harrison Law Offices
- State
- Responsive
- Reckless Driving
“Excellent Service , I recommend this Law Firm , especially if you are from out of state , Thank You for making this matter ,easy to deal with , and the expert advise you provided to Dismiss my Case , Thank You”
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The Stellute Law Firm
Seamen's Claim, Tractor Trailer, Medical Malpractice
“It is nice to have a law firm that listens and is willing to answer all your questions, even the one you forgot to ask when you were at your appointment and then ended up calling their cell phone!”
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Anthony Montagna, III
Family Law, Reckless Driving and Traffic Violations, DUI Defense
“Montagna is great and he definitely knows what he's doing, but its also very important that you actually do everything he tells you you should do in order to give him enough to work with in order to represent you to his full ability.”
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Driving Defense Law
- Speeding Ticket
- Charge
- Courtroom
“Madeline and her team did a great job leading me through the entire reckless driving process and was able to get my charges reduced to simple speeding.”
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James E. Short, PLC
Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Reckless Driving
“He was extremely knowledgeable and provided me with all necessary information for my case and the outcome.”
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Dorsk Law Office, Plc
- Confident
- Trust
- Trial
“I knew I was in great hands - from first reaching out and engaging with Natalie, who made me feel at ease and heard, to connecting with Attorney Dorsk, who was reassuring and detailed about what to expect during the appeal process.”
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The Decker Law Firm
- Respect
- Job
- Felt
“In the end, while I wasn't awarded with an amount to cover all of my losses for the year, I was able to get an amount that can allow me to continue providing for my family while I'm recovering from this injury.”
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Shannon & Associates
DUI, Family Law, Estate Planning
“Demonstrated a deep understanding of the legal process and took the time to explain each step clearly, putting my mind at ease throughout the entire process.”
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John W Lee
Uncontested Divorce, Vehicle Injury Law, Firearm Rights
“When we first started the process, Mr Doglas was on his way out and was able to give a run down of my husbands previous issues in case to Mr Lipp and Ms Kim, Kimberly Miller; which was very helpful.”
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Parks Zeigler
North Carolina, Virginia
“I have since had property returned that was previously withheld, equal legal and physical custody of my children, and appropriately adjusted child support: which equals quality time with my children and the ability to provide for them.”
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Curcione Law, PLC
“Also, throughout the whole process he will not sugarcoat or withhold the truth he will tell you everything that he knows and if you have questions that cannot be answered he will do his damndest to get you an answer.”
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Fidelity Law Firm
- Reckless Driving
- Worries
- Fee
“I really enjoyed the service because the experience was made easier to understand and to help walk me through my legal matters and to notify me on steps to improve my case.”
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Swartz, Taliaferro, Swartz, & Goodove
Jeffrey Swartz, Elizabeth Kalocay Ufkes, Franklin “lyn” Swartz
“Feel more and more conspiracy, I've been blacklisted some skull and bones club proud community competently laundering cases private sector that forced deal with public such as myself get afford deserve day in their court degree'd lawyers politicians.”
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Von L. Piersall, III
- Questions
- Matter
“He sent me any and all necessary paperwork, as well as contacted me in a timely matter if I ever had any questions or concerns that I needed addressed.”
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Kass Law Firm PLC
- Mind
- Integrity
- Reputation
“Aaron Kass took a lot of time and care to be sure we were thoroughly informed and educated on all aspects of our case, especially during a very stressful and emotional time.”
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Levin & Levin
- Money
- Job
- Hands
“My family did not have to worry when it came to Mr levin representing our love one we was more than confident that we had the right lawyer for the job We would continue to keep him as a family lawyer.”
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Norfolk DUI Lawyer John Naumovski
- Outcome
- Jail
- Sentenced
“Naumovski did an excellent job with explaining the entire process for my reckless driving trial, guiding me through everything I needed to do prior to the court date, and answering any questions I had.”
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Slaven Law Group
- Questions
- Feel
- Job
“I contacted Attorney Slaven, had a consultation, he answered my questions, gave me recommendations on what to do and I received a full refund of all of my monies paid to the company (which is what I was seeking).”
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Archangel Law Group
Civil Litigation, Family Law, Wills, Trusts & Estates
“Having worked with both Steve and Christian, I was thoroughly impressed and pleased with their manner of doing business and the end result of their services.”
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