Best Child Custody Lawyers in San Marcos, CA
The highest-rated Custody, Visitation and Guardianship Law companies out of 101 vetted & reviewed in the San Marcos area.
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Financial Divorce Expert (Cdfa), Military Divorce, San Diego Divorce Mediation Lawyer
“He made this divorce process so much easier for my husband and I to work through and I think he will be part of the reason that we will be able to stay friends after the divorce.”
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San Diego Divorce Attorney Shana J. Black
Guardianships, Annulment, Dissolution of Marriage
“Even when I felt like my entire world was falling apart and I wasn't sure where to start, she helped me get back on my feet and helped me keep my son.”
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Antonyan Miranda
- Legal Advice
- Team
- Trust
“When I needed guidance through one of the most stressful, difficult, and challenging times in my life these great people were with me every step of the way.”
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The Law Offices of Mark Deniz Aplc
Domestic Violence, Criminal Defense, Military Diversion
“I called him to receive legal advice and he left me with a clear understanding of what is going to happen and should things go south, he will be the first one I call.”
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Law Offices of E. John Damasco
Criminal Law, Bankruptcy Law, Tenant/Landlord
“He was beyond patient with us and our questions as deciding what would be best for the kids, and sadly had put in time going back & forth with the kids' mom to get her to agree to the visitation stipulation.”
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San Diego Divorce Lawyers
Prenuptial/Postnuptials, Annulment, Child Custody
“....etc but at the end Andrella Gonzalez @Sachdev legal group got me everything and helped me to get through the divorce and still on my side incase my ex wants to retaliate”
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Goldberg Jones - Divorce For Men
Child Custody, Divorce For Men, Child Support
“Then Siobhan Curley came on board and finished off my case with all the financial-related matters and other questions I had in the most professional manner and way possible.”
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Personal Injury Lawyer & Car Accident Gold Firm
San Bernardino Bicycle Accident Lawyer, San Bernardino Personal Injury & Car Accident Law Firm, San Bernardino Truck Accident Attorney
“I never felt like I was just another case to them - they really took the time to understand my situation and work with me to find the best possible solution.”
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Khosroabadi & Hill
Consumer Protection, Family Law, Employment Law
“I would highly recommend K&H APC, Attorneys at Law to anybody who is seeking not only expert advice, but true professionals who will put in the long hard-working hours and guide you along a journey towards success.”
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Prager Jones
Divorce, Family Law, Paternity and Parental Action
“Situations like this can be very emotional and it was great to have a kind and sympathetic yet candid and objective attorney to help separate the emotional from the practical issues.”
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Minella Law Group
Spousal Support, Family Law, Military & Dissolution
“Right before my hearing started I had a lot of anxiety but Elizabeth looked at me and said "you got this, think about your daughter and put your game face on because we are about to go fight for her life".”
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Mellman & Mellman
Real Property, Estate Planning, Family Law
“Mellman and Mellman helped guide me through this unknown process and helped me win my case for the maximum amount possible in damages I could receive!!!”
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The Law Offices of Steven M. Bishop
Divorce Law, Family Law, Legal Separation
“Bishop has a rare ability to listen and understand your family situation, up to the point where you feel connected, valued, and comfortable with the difficult legal situation you are confronted with.”
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Webb Law Group
Real Estate Litigation, FOR Employees, Personal Injury
“I couldn't have asked for better representation, they were so professional and got me the most amount of money in my partnership lawsuit by being patient and knowing what they were doing.”
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Cage & Miles
Bankruptcy, Family Law, Trusts & Estate Planning
“I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with John, and I have already recommended him to friends and family who want the best family attorney in San Diego.”
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Primus Family Law Group
Spousal Support, Custody and Visitation, Adoption Services
“Kim is an excellent, experienced attorney, who was able to easily understand my complex situation and produce clear and concise legal (and personal) arguments.”
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Team Works Divorce Mediation
- Understand
- Questions
- Information
“His team has lots of resources and experience with conflict counseling options within the team that can help get those important relationships back and make them flourish”
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Mesnik Law Group
Post Judgment Issues, Annulments,
“At first I thought I wanted a female lawyer to represent me, but having a male representative that is stern and can stand up for me against my ex has been a huge benefit.”
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Law Office of Michelle Paul
Domestic Violence, Divorce, Family Law
“I look back on the process, and though it was difficult, we remained professional at all times and I am now moving on with my life with my head held high, feeling like this divorce was a blessing in disguise.”
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Bradley Investigative Services
Workers Compensation, Business Surveillance, Private Investigations
“He is not one of those shady private investigators which I appreciated because if someone is willing to break the law for you, then I would question how much you could trust hiring them to represent you.”
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Shamon Law
Lyft Accident, Bicycle Accident, Car Accident
“Everyone I spoke too was super knowledgeable and able to answer any questions I had, and were able to walk me through the entire process with no issues from beginning to end.”
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Law Offices of David C. Beavans
- Custody
- Divorce
- Understanding
“He delves deep into the issues and asks questions because he is capable of finding ways to accurately represent his clients that themselves hadn't even thought of that could help their cause.”
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Butler Law
Custody & Visitation, Divorce, Post-Judgment Modifications
“He was great at directing me to take the drama and emotion out of my case and helped me to focus on the actual issues and what my realistic options were.”
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Wilkinson & Finkbeiner
Child Support, Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony
“Divorce in 2010 with David representing me, then a property dispute with my ex in 2016 that worked out very favorably for me, and finally in helping me with a prenup (no jokes about not learning my lesson).”
Child Custody Legal Services in San Marcos, CA Cost Estimates
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