Best Defamation, Libel & Slander Lawyers in Austin, TX
The highest-rated Libel, Slander, Privacy & First Amendment Law companies out of 134 vetted & reviewed in the Austin area.
Learn how we score.
Prominent finalists A-Z in Austin
Amini & Conant
Blazier, Christensen, Browder & Virr
Bollier Ciccone
Bonilla Law Firm – Austin
Burk Law Firm
Gammon Law Office
Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody
Gray Becker
Hajjar Peters
Hansum Law Firm
Law Office of Charles Smaistrla
Law Office of Russell Frost
Law Offices of Gregory D. Jordan
Law Offices of Kell A. Simon
Melendez Law Firm
Peek & Toland
Ross • Scalise Employment Lawyers
TK Injury Lawyers
The Law Office of Matthew Shrum
The Law Office of Tyler Hickle
The Melton Law Firm
The Snell Law Firm
The Sutton Law Firm
The Warren Law Firm
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Amini & Conant
Personal Injury
“I've known Neema and Alex for a long time and had the pleasure of working with Neema and Jared on a business transaction very important to me this year.”
“Usually when I go into a law firm's office asking for Notary services I feel a bit like I'm a pain for them, which I can understand - it's not the most profitable aspect of their business....”
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The Sutton Law Firm
“Excellent service, everything turned out very well for us but the key is you do an follow all instructions because they have your best interest once again thanks for all the time an hard work your team put in to our case.”
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Law Office of Russell Frost
General Practice Areas, Personal Injury
“He drove out of his way to meet with us when it became difficult for us to drive to his office, and his contacts in surrounding communities allowed for us to complete the execution ceremony while beginning our trip.”
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TK Injury Lawyers: Austin Personal Injury Lawyer
Bicycle Accident, Motor Vehicle Accident, Drunk Driving Accident
“Jim Terry was the best lawyer I could have contacted- he helped me with everything from medical bill insurance to car insurance and making sure I was compensated fairly from the accident that otherwise would have ruined my life.”
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Gammon Law Office
Personal Injury, Commercial Litigation, Real Estate & Foreclosure
“Gammon is excellent and amazing person, I contacted him in regards to a case and he was very helpful on handling it very professionally, he is knowledgeable and would definitely work with him again as well as referring him!”
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Hajjar Peters
“I have directed several people to Chris for counsel who have commented on his straightforward approach and their appreciation for him solving their issues while saving them time and money.”
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Ross Scalise Employment Lawyers
Personal Injury
“No one likes the idea of getting legal involved in affairs, but when you have to, you want to know that the law firm you engage with actually has your back and your best interests in mind.”
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Gray Becker
Litigation, Commercial Services
“It was an emotionally exhausting case with too many complexities involved but his strategic thinking, bold advocacy and working with me on payments helped me stay at ease throughout the legal process.”
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Peek Law Group
“Good afternoon to all the audience; Especially to the Peek Law Group Firm, PLLC; First of all, thank you very much for your excellent service, both professional, ethical and in all aspects, I sincerely recommend you and I fully trust your work.”
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Law Offices of Kell A. Simon
Overtime and Wage and Hour Claims, Noncompetes and Employment Agreements, Disabilities Accommodations
“Even though he told us he was going to be in the middle of a big trial for part of the time he was working with us, he went out of his way to make himself available to us by phone and was quick to respond when we contacted him--we were quite surprise...”
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The Law Office of Tyler Hickle
Debt Collection Defense, Debt Defense
“He communicated clearly and effectively every single step of the way, helped me understand confusing legal procedures and jargon and allowed me to rest easy while the case was ongoing.”
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Bollier Ciccone
Construction Law, Real Estate Law, Family Law
“I personally needed the confidence to go through the process and Leslie gave me the confidence and I absolutely know that I would be stuck in my old miserable situation if it wasn't for her.”
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Snell Law
Contract Disputes, Business Torts, Construction Litigation
“Despite my frustrations with the slow and seemingly endless processes of our legal system, having Jason and his team showed me that it is possible to prevail if you have the right experts on your side.”
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Law Offices of Gregory D. Jordan
Employment Law, Arbitration and Mediation, Administrative Claims
“I found myself in a civil lawsuit with my prior employer involving alleged misappropriation of trade secrets, interference with contracts, unfair competition and various other claims.”
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The Law Office of Matthew Shrum
“And then I stumbled across Matthew Shrum and that's when everything changed after speaking with him it was clear that he was no ordinary man let alone a lawyer he was someone who actually cared and who would fight for me.”
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Blazier, Christensen, Browder & Virr
Construction Law, Estate Planning, Wills & Trusts, Litigation & Appeals
“Being new parents/new business owners, I kept putting this on the back-burner, but John made it all so easy, and I have the peace of mind knowing our son, and everything else, will be taken care of when needed.”
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Burk Law Firm
Company Agreements (Llcs), Bylaws (Corps), Shareholder Agreements (Llcs and Corps) *unitized Billing*, Contract Review, Counseling Thereon, and Navigation *hourly*, Executive and Employee Stock Option Plans *hourly*
“Michael Burk's knowledge of the law and the process provided me the appropriate guidance that allowed me to make the best short and long-term decision for my family and I.”
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The Melton Law Firm
Wrongful Termination, Car Dealership Employment Violations, Personal Injury
“John fully understood the intricate details of my case, identified and explained its strengths and weaknesses, and set proper expectations regarding the probabilities of the various possible outcomes.”
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Law Office of Charles Smaistrla
Wills and Trusts, Probate Law, Estate Planning
“) My father's passing was fairly simple and straight-forward for the most part, but there was a hassle with a credit union in another state involving a CD which was payable on death to my sister's minor son.”
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Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody
Media, First Amendment & Public Access, Tax Exempt/Non-Profit Organizations, Technology
“Not really nice people.”
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Warren & Kazen Law
Probate, Real Estate Law, Estate Planning
“She is a knowledgeable and thorough attorney who asked the appropriate probing questions that would best serve our family's interests.”
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Melendez Law Firm
Work Place Injuries, Boating Accidents, Product Liability
“I would have loved to have gone to court just to see him in action but we did not have to as we were able to settle out of court in thanks to the skill and knowledge of both Mr.”
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Hansum Law Firm
“During my consultation with him, he was very upfront and honest about the possibilities and challenges of my case, and while he decided not to represent me, he was very pleasant to interact with.”
Defamation and First Amendment Litigation Services in Austin, TX Cost Estimates