Best Defamation, Libel & Slander Lawyers in Lower Merion, PA
The highest-rated Libel, Slander, Privacy & First Amendment Law companies out of 156 vetted & reviewed in the Lower Merion area.
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“It was an absolute pleasure working with Attorney Auerbach and I can honestly say he is the best attorney I've worked with and you're in great hands if he represents you.”
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Carpey Law
Septa Accident Lawyer, Product Liability Lawyer, Wrongful Death Attorney
“Having never needed an attorney, Stuart put our mind at ease, walked my wife and I through the entire legal process, thoroughly explaining what to expect every single step of the way.”
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Sidkoff, Pincus & Green
Larry Keller, Casey Green, Clients
“Casey Green was a beacon of hope at a time when our options appeared limited and the likelihood of a satisfactory resolution seemed virtually impossible”
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Law Offices of Judy Greenwood
Nursing Home Negligence, Hospital Negligence, Women's Injuries / Ob-Gyn
“I can also say from experience that they enjoy an excellent reputation as experienced and knowledgeable medical malpractice attorneys by their colleagues in Pennsylvania.”
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Wolpert Schreiber McDonnell
- Defendant
- Hiring
- Fair
“Regardless of the favorable settlement, I would still five-star recommend David and his staff because of their competence, professionalism, excellency in handling complications, fairness, and for their honesty.”
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Marrone Law Firm
Wrongful Conviction, Criminal Defense, Defective Products
“Very pleased with this law firm being my first injury case they were very hands on the staff and receptionist was kind and had no problems answering any of my many questions I was very pleased with the outcome.”
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Soloff & Zervanos
Crane Accident, Personal Injury, Limited vs. Full Right to Sue
“At the beginning, I was kind hesitating, but little by little, they put me in confidence by demonstrating their efficiency, their punctuality and the well-job mastery.”
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Philadelphia Injury Lawyers
- Out of Pocket
- Cost
- Settlement
“I ended up sending a yelp request late on a Saturday night after coming home from the ER, and Mike called me 20 mins later after 8pm to get the details on my accident.”
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Malamut Law
Family Law, Government & Regulatory Affairs, Labor & Employment
“Their paralegal Margari and assistant kim were so kind, They managed to Keep me updated and in the loop for the duration of my case, I never felt out of the loop or like I didn't know what was going.”
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Martin Law
Veterans Benefits, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability
“From the very first phone call all the way till settlement it was clear that my case was important and that they were doing everything they could to represent me and make sure I was made whole.”
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Eckell Sparks Attorneys at Law
Business Law, Residential & Commercial Real Estate, Medical Malpractice
“For the better part of 4 years Matt and team expertly guided me through the twists and turns of a challenging case, and in the end negotiated a very favorable outcome.”
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Liberty Law Team
Personal Injury, Police Brutality, Appeals
“Best service available you ask for what you expect and they make sure they get it done with professionalism would recommend for anyone with a criminal charge!!!!!!!!!”
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The Gold Law Firm
Religious Discrimination, Employee Retirement, Employment Discrimination
“He actually breaks things down to brass tacks and likes helping out new docs which is awesome because I think new docs need the most help in this current environment of medicine.”
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Business Counseling, Litigation, Land Use & Zoning
“They've been extremely helpful and a valued member of our team assisting us with landlord-tenant issues, zoning issues, title issues and pretty much any real estate legal questions we've had.”
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Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer Philly Slip and Fall Guys
- Team
- Call
- Needs
“They were n is the best law firm in Philadelphia helpful, caring, understanding, n I will recommend them for all your law need thanks a million 😘❤ …”
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Law Offices of Robert E. O'Connor
Criminal Law, Real Estate Law, Estate Law
“Whenever I needed answers, he responded swiftly, and if he was unavailable, he always provided a clear timeframe for when he could address my concerns.”
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Hoffman Dimuzio
Family Law & Estates, Business & Civil Law, Criminal Defense Law
“He went above and beyond for us, from always answering texts or calls, to handling paperwork and explaining everything to us, and for always making himself available.”
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Kline & Specter
- Heart
- Kindness
- Check
“The Kline&Specter treated me like family and if I didn't know something they didn't hesitate to help me and I'm very grateful for them helping me win my case😊 …”
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Abramson & Abramson
Real Estate, Lender Liability Litigation, Healthcare Litigation
“Dennis has represented me for a variety of cases; both personal and professional, he's given me sage legal advice on countless occasions and generally been my go to personal lawyer for the last 20 years.”
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Silver & Silver Attorneys At Law
Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Disability Law
“Excellent job went well beyond their means in helping me and explaining a plan with me no rushing and allowed me to explain concerns in the past a big thank you to silver and silver lawyers”
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High Swartz
Personal Injury, Col2, Employment Law
“I highly recommend Renata - I have known her for well over a decade and can attest to her excellent skills, professionalism, attention to detail, and care!”
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Helmer, Conley & Kasselman
Criminal Law, Drunk Driving, Family Law
“Yaron Helmer is one of the best attorneys that I have met they really treat you like family and there are there for you every step of the way in whatever case you are fighting....”
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Law Office of Robert J. Wittmann
- Knowledge
- Property
- Possession
“Rob I won't to say think you for today in court you have represent me better than any other Lawyer I have used in this matter (tenant, Landlord Court, )you have a client for life.”
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Uliase & Uliase
Federal Disability Retirement, Non-Appropriated Funds Instrumentalities Act, Defense Base Act (Dba)
“I hit a dead end trying to get a scheduled award from the department of labor, I had surgery 5 times on my knees working as a letter carrier for the Post Office for the last 38 years.”
Defamation and First Amendment Litigation Services in Lower Merion, PA Cost Estimates
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