Best Discrimination Attorneys in Grand Rapids, MI

The highest-rated Disparate Impact & Systemic Disparate Treatment Law companies out of 170 vetted & reviewed in the Grand Rapids area.

Van den Heuvel Law Office

Van den Heuvel Law Office

Business Litigation, Criminal Law, Real Estate
“I know its allot but if anyone reads this far down, hire these guys do not waste time/money on anyone else in the WHOLE state, they will 100% fight for you and for what you want!”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1997
Free Initial Consultation
4920 Broadmoor Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Crafted Law

Crafted Law

Trademark Searching, Trademark Registrations
“Going into looking at starting your own business can be daunting and I had many questions regarding Trademarks that Kevin was able to answer and help me with to prepare a timeline.”
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 2016
40 Pearl St NW Suite 200, Grand Rapids, MI
CBH Attorneys and Counselors

CBH Attorneys and Counselors

Estate Planning and Probate, Business Law, Personal Injury
“They are very knowledgeable in IRS and State tax issues, I never would have have been able to get a response from either the IRS or State without their help.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2014
Free Initial Consultation
25 Division Ave S STE 500, Grand Rapids, MI
Bos & Glazier, a Division of Cunningham Dalman

Bos & Glazier, a Division of Cunningham Dalman

Medical Malpractice, Commercial Litigation, Personal Injuries
“He was very responsive in completing things as they came up, he was very pleasant and professional to work with, he listened to my concerns and advocated for me with my employer.”
Transparent Fees & Pricing
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1999
940 Monroe Ave NW Suite #253, Grand Rapids, MI
Stout Law

Stout Law

  • Property
  • Communication
  • Contracts
“If you have a legal issue in the real estate or landlord/tenant realm give Michael Stout a call for a consult and discussion of your case--you'll be glad you did just as I am.”
25++ Years Experience
1525 Morewood Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI
Reeder Murphy

Reeder Murphy

Government Benefits, Estate Planning, Probate Estate Law
“We were looking for a local attorney to draw up a land contract and I had posted in the Rockford Services FB page and Bert Irwin reached out to me that he'd be happy to help.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards, Cash, Check, Debit
In Business Since 2000
124 Fulton St E Ste 100, Grand Rapids, MI
Hilger Hammond

Hilger Hammond

Mediation & Arbitration, Real Estate Law, Complex & Commercial Litigation
“The managing partner Ben Hammond will always return your calls and explain the choices that you have and what the possible out comes are of each choice.”
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2013
220 Lyon St NW Suite 410, Grand Rapids, MI
Dykema Law Offices

Dykema Law Offices

Mediation – What YOU Need to Know, Family Law, Estate Planning
“Jayne is a miracle worker.”
Accepts Debit, Check, Cash, All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 2000
4270 Plainfield Ave NE # 3, Grand Rapids, MI
Wheeler Upham

Wheeler Upham

  • Research
  • Expungement
  • Letter
“Attorney Glenn Smith was able to approved me for OWCP medical benefits for medical conditions that I had suffered at my work at the USPS since 4 years ago.”
Family Business
Accepts Carte blanche
In Business Since 2009
250 Monroe Ave NW #100, Grand Rapids, MI
Rhoades McKee

Rhoades McKee

“Did a great job representing us when a franchise we were in filed bankruptcy.”
In Business Since 1999
55 Campau Ave NW #300, Grand Rapids, MI
Miller Johnson Snell & Cummiskey

Miller Johnson Snell & Cummiskey

“I like that, because he's going to know what to do better than me 😊 he sends me a message whenever something new is going on with the case and we have a phone call or meeting whenever necessary 😊 the case is moving along quickly so I know he is doing...”
In Business Since 1996
45 Ottawa Ave SW #1100, Grand Rapids, MI
McDonald Pierangeli Macfarlane

McDonald Pierangeli Macfarlane

Personal Injury, Family Law, Asbestos/Toxic Tort
“Not only was he super helpful, he took time out of his day to reach out to other firms who have helped people in the same situation as I was going through.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
In Business Since 2015
3300 Eagle Run Dr NE STE 201, Grand Rapids, MI
Ryan, Podein, Postema & Westgate

Ryan, Podein, Postema & Westgate

“Chris was professional, thorough, prompt in responding to our correspondences, and was always very insightful and knowledgeable (about law and medical topics).”
In Business Since 1965
1787 Grand Ridge Ct NE #202, Grand Rapids Charter Township, MI
Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge

Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge

Family and Estate Services, Business and Real Estate, Litigation and Trial Services
“Funny !”
Accepts Carte blanche
In Business Since 1996
100 Monroe Center St NW, Grand Rapids, MI
Kluczynski, Girtz & Vogelzang

Kluczynski, Girtz & Vogelzang

Employment Law, Workers Compensation, Estate Planning & Probate
“I went to college with one of the partners, a great attorney.”
In Business Since 1998
3033 Orchard Vista Dr SE A, Grand Rapids, MI
Kalniz, Iorio & Reardon, Co. LPA

Kalniz, Iorio & Reardon, Co. LPA

Ohio Attorneys, Michigan Attorneys
“I contacted my Uniserve Director who was working with me and within 45 minutes he had an appointment and all the paper work in place for my legal team.”
In Business Since 2016
4981 Cascade Rd SE, Grand Rapids, MI
McShane & Bowie

McShane & Bowie

  • Knowledge
  • Divorce
“It was clear that she was always acting in my children's and my best interest when the emotional side of things made it difficult for me to see the truth of the matters at hand.”
In Business Since 2000
99 Monroe Ave NW UNIT 1100, Grand Rapids, MI
Mark F. Haslem

Mark F. Haslem

Employment Law, Estate Planning, Family Law
“Mark knew exactly how to handle each angle and developed a game plan that allowed myself not to fall into any traps or major issues that the other lawyers were trying so hard to make happen.”
In Business Since 2002
220 Lyon St NW # 550, Grand Rapids, MI
Bolhouse, Hofstee, & McLean

Bolhouse, Hofstee, & McLean

  • Speaking
  • Case
  • Will
“Also always attentive to any issue you may have big or small and they make you feel like you are part of their family.”
In Business Since 2005
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Blakeslee Rop, PLC

Blakeslee Rop, PLC

Cottage Law, Estate Planning, Business Law
“After loosing my ex husband in December I needed to make it easier for our son, and be more prepared for him to have to deal with everything on top of his last parent passing.”
Accepts All Major Credit Cards
Licensed, BBB Rating: A+
In Business Since 1986
Serving Grand Rapids Area
The Business Law Group

The Business Law Group

“I could not imagine how my life would be if I did not have Andrew handling my legal affairs.”
Offers Financing Options
Transparent Fees & Pricing
In Business Since 2012
1555 Knapp St, Grand Rapids, MI,
Rockford Law

Rockford Law

“Jake has been great with representing my landlord/tenant issues”
In Business Since 2019
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Tromp Law Office

Tromp Law Office

  • Matter
  • Interest
  • Court
“Tim showed me through this process , his dedication to his clients best interest by his commitment to researching, learning and relentless ways of making sure that happened.”
In Business Since 2018
Serving Grand Rapids Area
Buckman Macdonald & Brown

Buckman Macdonald & Brown

“We contacted them for help setting up a trust containing our assets.”
In Business Since 2006
Serving Grand Rapids Area

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