Best Divorce Lawyers in Woodstock, GA
The highest-rated Divorce & Marital Law companies out of 127 vetted & reviewed in the Woodstock area.
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Property Division, Juvenile Court, DUI
“I'm not a client of hers but I did witness her in the courtroom, although I did have a private lawyer myself, I couldnt help but see how much of an absolute "DOG" she was she is AMAZING!!!”
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North Metro Litigators Law Firm in Woodstock, Georgia
- Job
- Mind
- Call
“One of the many things I value is that they will not hesitate to get to the point, and cut through anything that is irrelevant to your case - nor will they shy away from truths about what matters and doesn't matter in the eyes of the law.”
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Fennell, Briasco & Associates
Criminal Defense, Child Support
“Caryn was patient with my case and allowed me the time I requested to work on a settlement directly with my spouse, yet was always ready to step in and protect my legal interests when the communication between us broke down and became impossible to n...”
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Debranski & Associates
Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts, Servicio de Abogado Completo, Domestic and Family Law
“Ron helped me with a traffic offense last year.”
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Stephanie Wilson Family Law
- Matter
- Information
- Team
“The rapport and guidance was outstanding at all times, prompt, timely and open for calls and quick updates, and worked through all of the questions and issues on this case.”
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Meredith W. Ditchen-Oakley
Mediation, Family Law, Estate Planning and Administration
“Once completing a separate matter, Meredith and staff informed my family about their expanse of practice and shared very helpful information with us without trying to upswell.”
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Law Offices of James O. Bass
“When I lost my husband this year I was very confused about what I needed to turn in every year.”
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Mindy Smith, Attorney at Law
- Knowledge
- Relationship
- Legal Advice
“These cases are often emotional and difficult and her manner will both calm and alleviate your anxieties but also give you confidence and faith in our legal system.”
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Atlanta Divorce Law Group
Marital Agreements▼, Division of Assets, Grandparents’ Rights
“My questions were answered, my emails and calls were returned and unlike most of the firms, there were no charges on my bill that were unnecessary (they bill honestly and do not create work that does not need to be done).”
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Hughes Law Office - GA Uncontested Divorce
Noncustodial Parent, Divorce Consultations, Spousal Support
“The process was very easy and the service was pretty affordable he walked me through each step and was available to answer my questions after hours thank you Hughes law office”
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Hecht Family Law
Marital Agreements, Contempt and Non-Compliance, Grandparents’ Rights
“I was scared and nervous during my case, but I felt confident because I had a strong fighter in my corner who understood me and my concerns and defended my rights as a parent.”
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Jaffe Family Law
- Payment
- Work
- Communication
“When this whole case started, I would not have thought that Shawn and I would reconcile, but as mentioned, both of us learned a lot of information that affected one another in a powerful way, and with that added to the table as well as a wonderful fa...”
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Diaz & Gaeta Law
Lgbt, Immigration, Family Law
“I am happy 🙂 Thanks to God and his services I already obtained my residency, thank you Valeria for your help and dedication, since I did not know the lawyer, all the consultations were by phone, but he was very kind and explained and advised me, than...”
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Burns Smith Law
- Results
- Heart
- Paralegal
“Totally organized from the way they assimilated me into their firm as a client to the way they ensured I was thoroughly informed throughout the entire process.”
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Brown Dutton & Crider Law Firm
Family Law, Mediation, Divorce
“I was referred by a friend that had received excellent service from Lance on her case and I was very fortunate to have availed myself of Lance's services!”
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Law Offices of Sean R. Whitworth
- Case
- Understanding
- Outcome
“The entire ordeal was a smooth transition for me because they were always willing to help me through the process whether it be through email or phone call...”
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Kapadia & Naik, Attorneys at Law
- Small Business
- Acquisition
- Communication
“One of the aspects that impressed us most was Lawrence's exceptional ability to help us negotiate for the operation hours we desired with the landlord.”
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The Cherry Law Office
High Asset Divorce, Contempt, Modification of Child Support
“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Diane and Kim for all the care and concern you have shown me, and for working tirelessly to ensure that the law worked in our favor.”
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The Law Office of Gina Smalley
- Call
- Happy
- Pay
“My name is Jorge and I am very grateful to the lawyer and her assistants, more so to Claudia, who during my divorce process was an excellent person and I am very happy with her good work.”
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Claiborne Fox Bradley Goldman
Opening Adoption Records, Estate Planning Services, Becoming a Guardian
“She was understanding and offered guidance that felt compassionate, warm, and human, leaving me much more equipped and confident in making some big decisions.”
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Titus Law
- Settlement
- Stress
- Law Firm
“They took the time to explain everything when I had extra questions, and send gentle reminders when I needed a push to remember to get something done/signed/submitted.”
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Speights Law
Family Law, Criminal Law
“Having the best attorney and her team by my side kept me strong and knowledgeable throughout this process in order to move forward to a more free & peaceful future!”
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The Manely Firm
Child Custody, Division of Marital Assets & Debt, Family Law
“While the opposing attorney relied on smear tactics and the typical "muddying of the waters," David stuck to the facts and did so without being disrespectful to my children's mother.”
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Eric L. Shapiro
Personal Injury, Divorce, Business Litigation
“I found Eric Shapiro through Google search and was honestly skeptical about his representation by reading a few negative reviews and without interacting with him.”
Mediation, Arbitration and Collaborative Legal Services in Woodstock, GA Cost Estimates
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