Best Estate Planning Attorneys in Parsippany-troy Hills, NJ
The highest-rated Asset Protection & Estate Planning Law companies out of 106 vetted & reviewed in the Parsippany-troy Hills area.
Learn how we score.
Prominent finalists A-Z in Parsippany-troy Hills
Anthony J. Vignier Attorney at Law
Brach Eichler
Cardile Law
Damiano Law Offices
Erol Gulistan Law Firm
Irina S. Shea, Attorney at Law
Jeffrey A Farkas
Kalish Law Group
Kemenczy Law
Law Office Of Barry E. Janay
Law Offices of Franklin S Montero
Louis B. Chapman Law Offices
Marchionda & Ferrer
Martone & Uhlmann, A Professional Corporation
NJ Elder Law Center at Goldberg Law Group
Petriello Law
Planned Giving Advisors
Rosenblum Law
Scott M. Itzkowitz Attorney At Law
Spector Foerst & Associates
Tarta Law
Vanarelli & Li
Wolfenson & Ashkenazi
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Jeffrey A Farkas
“Very professional gets the job done you ask for a better attorney on your team real estate taxes everything he's brilliant”
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Rosenblum Law
Estate Planning NJ, Name Changes, Criminal Defense
“They handled my cases and proved my points in each case and each one was settled to my satisfaction, I would HIGHLY recommend them to anyone who needs their services !!”
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Law Offices of Franklin S Montero
Estate Planning, Bankruptcy, Real Estate Law
“Excellent lawyer, very good treatment, grateful for all the work they do there, I recommend anyone who wants to have this lawyer, thank you very much 💪 …”
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Kalish & Associates
Business Law, Commercial Real Estate, Landlord/Tenant Law
“Not only does he possess excellent experience and knowledge, but he is a tireless worker who makes you feel that he is personally engaged in your case.”
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Wolfenson & Ashkenazi
Criminal Defense, Business Law, Name Changes
“My husband and I purchase recently a house and he made the impossible possible, He is very caring and and always want to make sure his clients are satisfied with his work.”
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Scott M. Itzkowitz Attorney At Law
“Throughout the entire process our questions were answered and the various paperwork and communications handled with the utmost care and professionalism.”
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Petriello Law
“Giovanna and Puya are knowledgeable, understanding and were always ready to answer all our questions (being first time homebuyers) making the whole process so relaxed and stress free.”
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Erol Gulistan Law Firm
Business Law, Criminal Defense, Real Estate Law
“Very respectful, careful listener, gentleman, honest and also his knowledge he gives you the best options to follow and makes your mind clear and satisfied.”
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Cardile Law
Personal Injury, Estate Law, Wills and Trusts
“Not only was John always accessible by phone or emails but his relaxed vocal manner had me at ease and his attention to details of my case made me feel confident with his abilities.”
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Anthony J. Vignier Attorney at Law
Loan Modification, Real Estate Transactions, IRS Tax Issues
“When you leave his a office, you will leave knowing that you came to the right place, he and his staff are very friendly and professional and will make you feel welcome.”
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Damiano Law Offices
Real Estate Closings, Child Custody, Other Areas of Practice
“The process wasn't easy but he took his time in explaining every nuance of the proceedings and what to expect in court as well as every potential outcome.”
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NJ Elder Law Center at Goldberg Law Group
“As a caregiver support group facilitator and a colleague in the field of helping our older adults age in place successfully, I have recommended Eric Goldberg many times.”
“Most attorneys I have worked with take a huge retainer and then it's like pulling teeth getting their attention and no one has the sense of urgency like you (the client) except for Barry and his team.”
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Louis B. Chapman Law Offices
“Louis helped my wife and I think through the relevant considerations for our last will and testament, power of attorney and other specific documentation we needed.”
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Brach Eichler
“It was a pleasure to work with the subject Faith Edward Capozzi, incredible attention, very courteous and always with the firm intention that his clients are satisfied.”
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Planned Giving Advisors
Trusts, Planned Giving, Wills
“I have used the consulting services of Jonathan Gudema and Planned Giving as Advisors for years, while working as a planned giving director for various nonprofits.”
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Tarta Law
Trusts, Estate Administration, Probate Law
“Estate planning can be very complicated and overwhelming but Steven takes the time to walk you through your options and simplifies the process for you.”
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Spector Foerst & Associates
Estate Planning & Guardianship, Real Estate Closings, Municipal Court
“I couldn't be more thrilled with the exceptional services provided by Jim from Spector Foerst & Associates, a real estate lawyer who assisted me with the sale of my house.”
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Vanarelli & Li
Nursing Home Law and Litigation, Special Needs Trusts and Disability Planning, Medicaid and Public Benefits Planning
“After reviewing the circumstances Donald and his staff helped us correct and eliminate the objections objections that medicaid had cited in denying the application.”
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Estate Administration, General Corporate Counsel, Estate Planning Attorney
“Beyond helping me professionally to solidify a winning strategy through his sound knowledge and experience, the interaction was exceptionally forthcoming and pleasant.”
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Irina S. Shea, Attorney at Law
“Irina made the whole process so easy for my mother to understand by way of putting everything on a white board in a way that my mother and I could understand.”
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Martone & Uhlmann, A Professional Corporation
Commercial Real Estate, Residential Real Estate, Landlord-Tenant Law
“As first time home buyers, my wife and I were in need of some real guidance and Frank and his team were able to provide that while making us feel comfortable and confident throughout the entire process.”
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Kemenczy Law
Motor Vehicle Accidents, Real Estate, Personal Injury
“Kemenczy's expert legal advice led to an extraordinarily positive outcome in what could have been a disastrous financial situation for myself and my family.”
“Marchionda & Ferrer, located in the mid of Clifton, have an office that looks professional and friendly, they have twenty employees and have been providing tax, accounting and advisory services to clients in northern New Jersey and the surrounding ar...”
Estate Planning Legal Services in Parsippany-troy Hills, NJ Cost Estimates