Best Medical Malpractice & Negligence Lawyers in Minneapolis, MN
The highest-rated Medical Malpractice Law companies out of 131 vetted & reviewed in the Minneapolis area.
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Listeria, Firm News, Hepatitis
“From the beginning, Fred and Eric were both compassionate and professional; they and their team walked my family through the legal process and helped us reach a settlement for a family member's death.”
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TSR Injury Law
- Responsive
- Work
- Healing
“Steve is well organized, an excellent communicator, formulated different gameplans for us to consider, then was tenacious in negotiations until the other party caved.”
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Schwebel, Goetz & Sieben
Appellate Law, Semi-Truck Accidents, Spinal Cord Injuries
“When we lost our father in a motorcycle accident we contacted Jim Scwebel and he helped us through this difficult time by being straight forward and honest- we are very happy he helped us through this part of this tragedy.”
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Metro Law Offices
Crime Offenses Service, Single Service
“They helped me and my family in the time of need and kept us very well informed of every step of the process we're very happy with the outcome of our case...”
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- Settlement
- Job
- Results
“All communication and instruction was clear, respectful, and easy to follow-up on, and the settlement was substantial, with minimal work required on my end as I dealt with all of the other things that go along with such a set of injuries.”
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Rochlin Law Firm
- Insurance
- Settlement
- Educated
“After my injury (a severed quadriceps tendon at the knee) I was encouraged by friends and family to get an attorney's opinion and advice because of the circumstances surrounding how my accident happened and where.”
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Lord + Heinlein
Workers' Compensation, Harmful Prescriptions, ▸professional License Defense
“On a particularly challenging shift, overwhelmed by reminders of my personal trauma, I made the difficult decision to leave my shift early after informing the charge RN of my distress.”
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Keller, Woods & Thompson
Premises Liability Injuries, Slip-and-Falls, Car Accidents
“KELLER WOODS & Thompson will get you paid in full Lindsay & Tiffany was very thorough very knowledgeable patient they live and breath the law and they definitely did not allow anyone to screw me over her whole team had my back the whole time.”
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Beedem Law
Other Practice Areas, Long-Term Disability, Erisa
“When we made the first frantic and stressed phone call with a list of question, Alesia helped us sort through all of the details in a professional, realistic and encouraging way.”
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Fay & Associates
- Job
- Worry
- Medical
“It was a long process 2 yrs ,and a lot of PTSD stress anxieties depression ,but in the end i received a settlement that honestly i didn't expect the amount received Eric & his team did a excellent job in helping my future after my accident still have...”
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Noack Law Office
Social Security Disability, Personal Injury, Work Injuries
“Highly recommended, attentive and constant in my case, giving me the appropriate and timely information for my case with interpreters who gave me the information that I did not understand.”
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Robert Wilson & Associates
- Workers Comp
- Worry
- Call
“With Roger's help I ended up with financial compensation that was stunning but more importantly Rodger insisted on long term medical coverage and that was what I needed the most.”
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Madia Law
Medical Malpractice Trial Lawyer, Finra Arbitration, Nursing Home Abuse Trial Lawyer
“Claudia took the edge off my anxiety the day before and after getting off the phone with Ashwin I was actually pretty confident that I would be compensated for loss time and be able to get caught up and maybe replenish both savings accts.”
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Heuer Fischer
Personal Injury, Criminal Defense
“Jim initially took the call back in March of 2019, he has been a true blessing, has a great heart, and worked very diligent on my case and stayed in great communication.”
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Meshbesher Law Firm
Types Of Injuries, Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury
“Fantastic lawyer, and a great person i was informed the entire way through the process and had a great outcome i would highly recommend Positive Responsiveness, Quality, Professionalism”
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Goss Law
Workers’ Compensation, Immigration, Personal Injury
“Great Lawyer- highly respected and competent”
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- Case
- Settlement
- Illness
“I remember crying to him during our first call in the recounting of all the trauma that followed my diagnosis of listeria in pregnancy, even though he could have written off the case as too far gone, too messy, and too much work - he didn't.”
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Kemmitt, Sanford, & Kramer Law
Death Benefits, Erisa, Workers’ Compensation
“Had a very good experience with this law firm They found me how to get out of a problem and get some money back in my pocket through disability that I did not know I had coming back from a long time At first the company that was after me.”
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Lommen Abdo Law Firm
Catastrophic Injury, Vaccine Law, Estate + Trust Administration
“Always impressed with the knowledge, professionalism, and service.”
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Magna Law Firm
Personal Injury, Civil Rights, Medical Malpractice
“Oliver provided a great deal of guidance and advice, as well as successfully help to achieve a fair settlement with the insurance company following injuries sustained in a car accident.”
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Tewksbury & Kerfeld PA
Truck Accidents, Dog Bites, Product Liability
“He is undergoing medical care, and for that reason his uncle and mother have been appointed guardians, with Tewksbury and Kerfeld providing excellent legal service to the family.”
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Mottaz & Sisk Injury Law: Jerry Sisk
Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability Insurance
“The thing that i liked most about having Jerry as my attorney is that he helped out every way he could and took time to explain things to me when i did not understand something.”
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Brazil Law Group
- Bike
- Pain
- Ambulance
“Dealing with legal issues is extremely intimidating, but Dan and his team were always willing to talk me through whatever came up, answering my emails and phone calls in a prompt and friendly manner.”
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Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman
Medical Malpractice, Birth Injury
“I was blown away by how much care and professionalism they had (Which is hard to find nowadays) and how they went through my case like it was their own family.”
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