Best Defamation, Libel & Slander Lawyers in San Diego, CA
The highest-rated Libel, Slander, Privacy & First Amendment Law companies out of 182 vetted & reviewed in the San Diego area.
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Naturalization, Consulate Processing, Permanent Residency Through Employment
“Cliff was really on top of and hands-on with the entire application and it was really easy to communicate with him when we were compiling all the things we needed.”
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Eugene Bruno & Associates
- Service
- Settlement
- Honest
“Lily answered all of my phone calls and efficiently handled my inquiries, demonstrating professionalism and understanding who I needed to speak with to effectively have my questions answered.”
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Haffner & Morgan
Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death, Car Accidents
“Christian and Tim, and their staff are spectacular advocates, from their professional knowledge to words and actions of encouragement during the entire process.”
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Haeggquist & Eck
- Call
- Feel
- Justice
“I highly recommend all aggrieved workers to contact their office as they will be in the most trusted and competent hands, and can have all of their questions answered.”
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Law Offices of Hasbini
National Origin Discrimination, Pregnancy Disability, إصابة شخصية
“After a very good consultation with Mme Hanady hasbini I want to say thank you to her about the assistance, she's so kind and helpful, I wish all the success to her law firm.”
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Cline APC
- Manufacturer
- Questions
- Responsive
“It took me four long months of intense interviews only to be turned away, but somehow I was able to talk to the right people who referred me to the right team.”
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Nakase Law Firm
Employment, Business, Injuries
“Nakase is a high caliber attorney who demonstrated the high caliber in representing brain injury victims – on semi-truck accidents and motorcycle crashes.”
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Khosroabadi & Hill
Employment Law, Family Law, Consumer Protection
“With Taylor she actually listened to what I would want and she would then either agree or give me a professional opinion since sometimes my judgment was cloudy.”
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Gomez Trial Attorneys, Accident & Injury Lawyers
- Compensation
- Job
- Reputation
“I decided I should look into getting an attorney since my accident was caused by an intoxicated driver and I wanted to make sure everything was handled properly.”
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Webb Law Group
Estate Planning, Business Litigation, FOR Employers
“Brooke made sure to make all the right connections for me, answer all my questions, made sure I agreed with all moves being made and she kept communication constant and clear.”
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Equity Legal
Business Transactions, Easement Law, Zoning and Real Estate Development
“Sasan's coaching style truly reflects his character, which is probably part of why he led his team to an undefeated season (not that that mattered to Sasan.”
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The McClellan Law Firm
- Regard
- Team
- Knowledge
“And of course, both Craig Mc Clellan and Connor are phenomenal to work with and their knowledge is so deep, they cover all bases extensively and are so impressive.”
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Law Office of Brett Peterson
- Negotiate
- Feel
- Insurance Company
“He answers calls right away, and even if it isn't the type of case he handles, he gives great advice that you can use to help you find the right person.”
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Walker Law
Whistleblower, Insurance Bad Faith Litigation, Lgbt Discrimination
“Walker's office depicting a young boy, fearlessly facing a large roaring grisly bear, is a perfect description of Justin Walker's attitude and determination.”
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San Diego Legal Pros
- Feel
- Court
“What stood out for me was that he spoke to me first giving me general information then backed it up with an email thanking me for calling and more information about the BK process.”
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Buck Law
- Agreement
- Communication
- Consulting
“His deep understanding of legal intricacies, combined with a practical approach, has been instrumental in navigating complex legal matters with ease and precision.”
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The Law Office of Michael S. Diamond
- Insurance Company
- Money
- Sense
“It was my first time using any sort of attorney and he walked me through the process with extreme detail and understanding in how inexperienced with everything I was.”
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For Purpose Law Group
Estate Planning & Charitable Giving, Nonprofit & Business Accounting, Social Enterprise & Business Law
“We have used their litigation services with Matt Learned as well as their general business law services and I honestly can not imagine using another law firm.”
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Goode | Hemme
Mediation, Construction Law, Business Law
“Not only has Melissa gone above and beyond in answering my questions, she also provided me with additional research and considerations for each situation.”
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Garcia Hong Law
Professional Liability, Personal Injury, Civil Business Litigation
“Unlike other lawyers who pontificate on the matter, gloating their credentials to the opposing counsel, and creating a book of their billable hours, garcia hong”
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Harlan Law
E-Bike Accidents, Personal Injury, Employment Law
“He has obtained results for clients that few could achieve and are only possible with his trial skills and fearlessness of going to trial to get his clients full value.”
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The Gould Firm
Professional Licensing Defense, Sexual Harassment Training, Personal Injury LAW
“I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone who has any legal matter pertaining to Unemployment/Labor matters or any other legal issue within his expertise.”
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Mackaness & Ideta
Investment Fraud and Recovery, Business Litigation, Employment Litigation
“Mackaness & Ideta have prioritized me as their client, which is something other law firms have not done for me in the past; they have shown incredible compassion for me as if they were my own family members, and have shown great empathy for my situat...”
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Mara Law Firm
- Case
- Pain
“I want to thank Grace Campbell first of all for taking my case and then for all the dedication to the case, as well as the friendly relationship from the first day in those difficult times and situations for me”
Defamation and First Amendment Litigation Services in San Diego, CA Cost Estimates
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